30 Days Are Over - What's Next?

30 Days Are Over - What's Next?

Putting a new idea out there — such as this 30-day practice for the wine industry on breathwork and meditation — is a lot like turning on a lightbulb. Once it’s lit, we’re more able to see what we couldn’t see before.

One of the happiest things to emerge since we started this practice has been all the people — friends, colleagues, and others we didn’t know personally — who have been in touch to say that they practice breathwork, and are meditators, too.

Every time, we’re surprised. And then we’re not. We’re surprised that there’s yet another person who’s already on this path, and then we’re not surprised because we GET somehow that that person makes an effort to find the time to meditate. We can see it, and it makes sense.

It’s like an unexpected and growing community that we can recognize now within this industry that we love.

So here’s our question for you.

How would you like to see us keep going? What can we do to continue turning lightbulbs on? What would be helpful for you?

Please tell us what’s important to you. Your struggles? Your successes? Let’s move toward something that’s beneficial for all of us. We met so many of you over these 30 days and the stories that you shared help us to realize there is so much more richness to unearth and discover.

Starting next week we will move to a weekly format that will include a post (much like the last 30 days), profiles on fellow “tribe” members, links to useful articles, and information on upcoming events and workshops.

Everything about A Balanced Glass originates from a desire to help people find a sense of place and a center point in their lives, so we can all thrive in an industry we love.

We are well on the way to creating an even greater community and sincerely hope you will join us. Please email us at rebecca@abalancedglass.com and cathy@enolytics.com and share your ideas and thoughts. We would love to hear them.


Rebecca and Cathy

Who and Where is Your Tribe?

Who and Where is Your Tribe?

The Importance of Showing Up

The Importance of Showing Up